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From our Farm

Ortunç’s story is one that dates back over many years, and as with anything that is born of hard work and determination, it is a time filled with many heart-warming recollections.  During this period spanning over 30 years, we have tended to the happiness of our guests in our Blue Flag awarded charming cove…
As our close friends whom we have shared our joy with will know, Ortunç recently underwent a transformation, and now continues its journey with minimalist architecture in synthesis with nature.   To be able to continue this journey in accordance with Ortunç’s mission, and share nature’s rich bounty with our guests, we are now running our farm just 20 km away.
As well as forming close friendships, our farm has enabled us to produce natural products, which we have used to prepare delicious menus for Ortunç.
At the same time, we have laid the foundations in our orchards for the production of a variety of fruits, vegetables, as well as the region’s most valued commodity, olives, with the planting of olive saplings at our farm.  Over a short period of time, and as a result of tending lovingly to our soil, we have been blessed with a generous crop.  Our olives, grown using good farming practice, have brought us excitement at every step; from the first blossom of the trees, right through to harvesting.
The harvest in itself has become somewhat of a celebration, small groups of people all with a different story converging under each tree, cheerful music emanating from pocket radios, enthusiasm shared by the gatherers over lunch followed by the drinking of strong cups of Turkish tea…  Followed by the rush to get the crates of olives to the olive factory and take our turn…  The day’s finale is the application of cold pressing to wash the olives and crush them using a ‘malaxer’, from which an evaluation of the piquancy and acidity is given, emitting its delicious fruity scent…  The happy ending being the return home with an uplifting feeling for what’s hidden in that little bottle…
This immortal tree’s health benefits and wonders are too numerous to mention…
I have put my name to this journey reaching from production to social project because it is something I wholeheartedly believe in. 
Under the principle that, “Every darkness may be illuminated through education” I am proud to be working with EÇEV(Aegean Contemporary Education Foundation), and playing a small part in making this principle a reality. 
Yours faithfully
Necla TUNÇ